Hi Saransh,

Intro: Ronald Munjoma here, based in Harare, Zimbabwe. I am not a user of
Fineract 1. x or Fineract CN. I am more of a lurker on the forums, learning
and observing how Apache projects are run. Hopefully, I will use Fineract
1. x or Fineract CN in one of my projects.  As for suggesting changes to
the Fineract project, I would like to suggest and probably put it to a vote
that we adopt and follow the Apache Superset Improvement Proposal (SIP)
way: https://github.com/apache/superset/issues/5602


On Sat, 25 Sept 2021 at 17:23, Saransh Sharma <sara...@muellners.org> wrote:

> I hope this email finds you well, since Apache Con is over we can resume
> discussing the potential ideas and maybe fix some level of community
> established quorum on those ideas.
> Last year , we proposed several Architectural (this does not mean that we
> nuke existing work)changes in Fineract CN. We have learned
> 1. Make Fineract CN developers ready. (Through the use of tech like
> generators that allows the  easy bootstrapping)
> 2. Implementing a consensus layer and script like a rule engine.
> 3. We should potentially explore ideas down distributed architecture also
> at the same time.
> 4. Moving forward on protocol level rather than API
> 5. Slowly phasing out or contributing on top of Fineract CN. How do we do
> that ? Like if we change something deep (maybe introducing another library
> that does most of the work and phase out the non-essential )
> 6. Using smart contract rather than microsservices
> 7. Having a single source of truth (something like blockchain that can
> work for consensus and data protection)
> I would like to take this task, or probably hire a resource on behalf of a
> non profit foundation that can take this task ahead, collaborate with
> stakeholders and understand what are the ways we can potentially explore.
> This is not about code changes or a PR so please avoid sending emails like
> Open a ticket on JIRA (Yes yes we will do that but first let's come to a
> consensus which way we would like to go.)
> Please contribute over this thread and probably lets treat this email as
> information gatherer rather then jumping on the conclusion
> --
> Thanks and regards,
> Saransh Sharma
> Research Partner
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Best and Regards
Ronald Munjoma
+263 775 625 283

[image: --]

Ronald Munjoma
[image: https://]about.me/ronaldmunjoma

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