Hey Myrle please refer to this update document

This report is not confidential and is open for suggestions

Any microservice architecture that is defined and is in practice with the
active forces and that comes with solution as reference from link



   There is a team of developers working on the application

   New team members must quickly become productive

   The application must be easy to understand and modify

   You want to practice continuous deployment of the application

   You must run multiple instances of the application on multiple machines
   in order to satisfy scalability and availability requirements

   You want to take advantage of emerging technologies (frameworks,
   programming languages, etc)


Define an architecture that structures the application as a set of loosely
coupled, collaborating services. This approach corresponds to the Y-axis of
the Scale Cube <https://microservices.io/articles/scalecube.html>. Each
service is:


   Highly maintainable and testable - enables rapid and frequent
   development and deployment

   Loosely coupled with other services - enables a team to work
   independently the majority of time on their service(s) without being
   impacted by changes to other services and without affecting other services

   Independently deployable - enables a team to deploy their service
   without having to coordinate with other teams

   Capable of being developed by a small team - essential for high
   productivity by avoiding the high communication head of large teams

The above defined terms clearly outlines the idea of a microservices, the
original premise is that any team or an individual could develop their own
set of service without bothering about the other set of services and
connect with other services with proper set of auth and middleware kind of
approach like using a service broker or message delivery service.

This is what microservice means , now this term has been defined by experts
and developers who have tested this approach in different scenarios.
Microservice is more like a design pattern. There is no fixed idea or a
tech stack like for example in cases like two different services
communicating with each other over the internet or intranet can also be
encompassed as microservice.

Microservice is a quasi distributed system that reduces the monolithic
approach of dealing with a single application or service. Now developers
face the complexity of understanding new ideas like connecting with other
services using Eureka, ideas like circuit breaker. It becomes more
difficult to test the services since services are isolated.
Fineract CN

Primary architecture of fineract is based on the idea of Microservices the
project are structured primarily with three different sub projects




   Component test

Lets understand what does these terms are

API deals with  functions that define the domain , defines the client with
mapping of GET and other HTTP verbs and validation; it acts like an
interface for communication. Using Active MQ that emits the events from the

Services deals with the registration with Eureka, migration of DB and we
can assume that it does the configuration for spring services also. Command
handler in the code is defined in the services project. Mapping and
repository is also defined here, so to speak, services is the communication
between other services and is deployed also at the runtime.

Component test as the name suggests does the testing for the single service
by mocking using test libs and suite.

Most of the project is structured in the above approach , the first
approach is time consuming defining three different sub projects. Any
simple developer would want to have a single project and use
libs/dependency to achieve the above task.

Proposing a simple structure here , we can take out the API / Service /
Component test as root project and come up with below file structure




   client /

   config /

   domain /

   repository /

   security /

   service /

   web /rest

The above structure is simplified and does the same as above and reduces
these sub-projects to a single project ,and  is more known to the
developers and adopts the naming convention that is familiar. It removes
the burden for maintaining three separate projects.

One might say that the internal libs and code patterns are different and, I
assume that we can simply adopt those things here also in the same project

Lets focus on the other side of the project which are other services and
lets see what they are and if any improvements can be made.


This does the resource binding and more specifically with respect to the
tenant and allocates the DB , that gets binded by the Anubis and Identity
service, at the same time this service tracks which tenant has access to
the which service or application Currently this service assumes that all
services are going to use the same kind of DB which is Postgres at the
moment and hence the migration might be the same.

As of right now , as the document describes here the link that it does the
“magic” , The magic it does is that it binds the identity service and other
services and work upon the magic like indexing the service related
information in namespaces of cassandra but when you dig deep the services
are attached to a single DB and creates different tenant


   I believe developers should have the choice to define the service that
   they want to attach or it should be done from the developer's side.

   Having each service spits out its complete state on bus or through
   Active MQ could do the work or log level DB like blockchain and Apache

   The provisioner does the work for attaching all the services like Rhythm
   , Office and accounting etc.


This service makes sense, but definitely we can use something that is more
mature and or focus on making this service like a gateway that does other
things also.

The idea is that any developer will bind the service to this approach is
self-referential in nature. Currently services can manage their own
sub-services and it should be left to the developers. We could provide them
an approach that if you use this design pattern then you have some

Users are forced to maintain the services, rather than developers defining
the services. In my opinion each service should provision its own resource
and maintain its own configuration. Then it should be left with developers
to index their services .

Security point of view : What if the service users are compromised then
service configuration and service information are revealed.


As the name suggests this service provides a JWT based token where user
rights are delegated and services can interact with each other.

In my opinion this service can be really phased out with something like
this below


Passwords are no longer adequate. Users worldwide are victims of multiple
malfeasances like brute force attacks, injection attacks, phishing, unsafe
credentials, data theft, among others. The benefits of using passwords -
which have increasingly become predictable, leave users vulnerable to data
and identity theft. Even the strongest passwords are easy to crack and
prone to phishing nonetheless. Hence, given all these nuisances, there’s a
need to eliminate character-based authentication protocols, which would
ultimately benefit all developers as well as end-users. To replace this
conventional but antiquated protocol with a secure alternative, would be
Passwordless Authentication. BitRupee is a secure passwordless
authentication protocol that uses cryptography where one’s identity is
presented with anonymity. This type of multi-factor authentication layer
approves a signature only after two or more verification factors (that are
secured with a cryptographic key pair) are authorized. The BitRupee system
is decentralized and only stores a public key in the database. The system
creates a public and private key, of which the user is only able to access
the private key. Further after signing the key, the user sends the
information over the API to the server, where it checks its validity with
the public key and grants access accordingly.


This service describes itself as some kind of self timer that's ticking and
observing activity and sending notifications. Sounds like a great service.
(Although it does not observe anything :) and is not self timed)


   The service/developers should independently decide which logic/service
   they want to schedule and if they have something to trigger using some kind
   of central bus should be triggered to a different service.

   This service can be defined as design patterns rather than complete
   service that is outsourced to do something that any independent service
   designer would perform on its own.


This service can be clubbed with a single service or perhaps the wilder
idea is to club this service in the command or let developers choose to
subscribe to the messages from a central bus aka log service.

One use case is that any service spits out knowing that there is a service
that does interest-recalculation, the service loan just need to spit out
“re-calculate” through a pub/sub or peer method where “interest” service
reacts to the message by simply processing the command , this is quite
simplified and leaves a lot to developers to act on which message and

Lets focus on the libraries that are not deployable but binded as
dependency to each service.


This service does the validation of the identity that any service is trying
to bind that to, this service represent the permissions defined by the
developers for their service


This lib does not make any sense , what if developers can define their own
permissions and could declare that to other services. Why validate ?

Permitted Feign Client

This service allows the clients to communicate with delegated rights and
access between services. This service more or less does the permission for
the services in between.


We could use the Netflix Spring Feign Client . again the permissions can be
defined on the runtime by developers, I think that’s what they would like
to do.

Services can come up with its own defined permission.


A generic service that provides utility for testing the components.


Already defined in the above section, this is a feign client.


This is the CQRS service library that supports asynchronous calls for read
and write operations over a NOSQL DB, Hence this library does binding using
a bus. Although this library claims to be non central that I could not


This service could be further extended in a completely distributed manner
on log basis rather than relying on cassandra, one could use Blockchain
like DB that does store everything on log basis. The central bus I keep
referring to could be replaced with mentioned and is fault tolerant also.

Hence service would not need to just need to include this service to access
information about other services also. This service could be clubbed with
rhythm here.
PostgresQL and Data Persistence

Library for managing tenant aware DB for Postgres.


How can we make a standard lib?

Lib for managing the service calls for Cassandra DB, Interestingly the cost
of managing the cassandra service is around 250 US per month at any given
cloud service provider. How can one afford that?


Myrle, how can the unbanked afford to run this service? Please provide me
with the answer.


This library handles mutli-threading for commands lib above


Have you ever heard of RXJava ?

This lib does the hashing of the password


Maybe we can use the tested libs instead of this one.



The above project structure could be simplified by reducing the set of libs
and allowing a log level DB in place. This would mean moving towards
distributed architecture and harnessing the true propositions of the

Provisioner does a great job but the services should get to know by
communicating with each other what they have and what methods they can
share that other services can trigger using client or message logging using
the central  bus with appropriate permission stub type defined.

One may say that these libraries are binded in such a way that it does the
most of the work for the developers, this comes at the cost of maintaining
the project. My argument is that developers are unable to contribute back
because they find it difficult to understand the project from the structure
perspective. The library the way they have been defined are ambiguous and
not properly documented. Looks like the original author has tried to most
effectively reduce the work for the developers and at the cost of
increasing dependency on the immature libraries that could be outsourced to
other open source libraries that are well behaved and are not vulnerable to
bugs and upgrades etc.

The command lib could be extended further so that services could use the
command in terms of reading the information / messages and each service can
make sense or interpret in their own approach.

This reduces the size of the project from 40 * 3 = 120 projects including
sub-projects from 120 to only 40 root projects with fewer than 5 libraries
to maintain.

In nutshell, once we reduce the project to such a level then we have a
chance to keep the pace quickly or else one more year the project will be
left behind amongst the growing number of digital financial services.

One more interesting feature that will be achieved is if we end up using
blockchain, the replacement of the accounting and transaction, the
transaction for any MFI/FI can be recorded by the native token.

Smart contract functionality can be achieved also if using something on
those lines.

PS the document is here for the WIP


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