Hi Devs -

A few years ago we decided to collapse the Dev@fineract.apache.org and
us...@fineract.apache.org listservs to have one place for discussions.

This had the advantage of reducing the number of lists one needed to
subscribe to.

The disadvantage is that we may - from time to time - get users who simply
want to know how to "run the software" and "how to use the software" rather
than "how to set up the dev environment", "how to describe an issue in a
ticket", "how to make a code contribution", or "go deep into technical
discussion abc".

I'd like to offer two proposals for discussion:

1)  Set up us...@fineract.apache.org and encourage users to move over there
with questions - keep this separate; obviously can be viewed or subscribed
to by anyone.
Hold a regular "user meeting" to establish some good Q&A for users.  We
would want to have a few Contributors on the list to answer questions and
generally move that conversation along.
Alongside  us...@fineract.apache.org would be some wiki pages to orient the
With this, d...@fineract.org becomes more focused on development practices,
tickets, commits, engineering design discussions.

2) Direct newcomers and users to a page on the wiki where we link to
various resources, including outside resources.  When a person signs up
for the listserv, or shows up, we ask them to first go through those
resources, and if they still have questions for Dev, then we encourage

I believe that coming to the project cold can be quite baffling.

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