Conceptually, I don't understand why you would want to have more than "just
a UI framework", if your goal is to make use of the GPU.

The fewer dependencies the better.

brought to you by the letters A, V, and I
and the number 47

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Michael Schmalle

> Interesting article and I have read quite a bit of what you have done in
> the past.
> I don't know if this is a translation thing but;
> "
> While I am willing to advise the Open Flex developers, and participate in
> discussions (time and other-commitments permitting), I am not willing to
> write the new Flex framework for them.  I would expect the Open Flex group
> to put in the development work for this ? not me.
> "
> the above paragraph made me feel like I wanted to hit the back button when
> I got to it.
> BTW, I'm not married to the "Flex legacy" either and I am in this project
> because of the ActionScript language. Yes, I have read your thoughts about
> that as well.
> If your idea of a component framework was embraced by an abstract open
> source community, I don't think anybody would expect you to do anything, it
> seems like you are offering "consulting" services correct?
> If you were honest about adding advice it would be right on this list like
> we all do.
> Mike
> Quoting Daniel Freeman <>:
>  I've done some experiments with Stage3D accelerated Flex components,
>> derived from MadComponents classes.
>> part5-stage3d-accelerated-**flex/<>
>> It is my intention to port MadComponents to AS"next".  I propose that
>> these
>> ported MadComponents/MC3D classes might form the basis of a new Flex
>> mobile
>> framework that utilises hardware GPU rendering.
>> I'm aware that Thibault Imbert has proposed that a new Flex framework
>> should be based on Starling and Feathers.  But I believe that the MC3D
>> approach is better suited to the next Flex mobile framework.
>> MadComponents is a fully fledged framework, not just a UI framework.  It
>> allows for versatile styling of components (without having to design
>> texture skins), server communication, and memory management.
>> However, until we know more about AS"next", which framework approach to
>> choose is mostly speculation.
>> So I'd like the members of this group to read my blog post, and let me
>> know
>> what they think.
> --
> Michael Schmalle - Teoti Graphix, LLC

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