On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 10:31 PM, Avi Kessner <akess...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Conceptually, I don't understand why you would want to have more than "just
> a UI framework", if your goal is to make use of the GPU.
> The fewer dependencies the better.

I see memory management, and server communication as important aspects of
MadComponents.  Not dependencies.  How do you mean?


I don't see anything wrong with drawing a line as to how much more my time
I can dedicate to this project.  Or asking for commitment and work from the
Open Flex developers.  I just didn't want everyone to run away with the
idea that I was going to do ALL the work (in my experience, people usually
expect that).

MadComponents/MC3D are free and open source.

I wouldn't be adverse to maintaining it under Apache, as I think that
getting more developers involved in the core MadComponents/MC3D classes
could be positive.  But it's a little early to talk about that now.

I was thinking we should maintain the code separation between the Flex
wrappers, and the core MadComponents/MC3D classes.

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