I tend to agree with Alex here.

I have some Flex 3 projects, and I seriously doubt I will migrate them to 
Apache even if there was an option.

Working towards the future is way more important than living in the past. If 
there's something that doesn't work in Flex 3, I'd either subclass something, 
or duplicate and patch it myself. (Like I've done in the past.)


On Jan 22, 2013, at 7:50 AM, Alex Harui wrote:

> On 1/21/13 9:35 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Maybe with google trends
>>> http://www.google.fr/trends/explore#q=flex%203%2C%20flex%204%2C%20as3&cmpt=q
>> It shows interest in flex 3 at around 90% of that of flex 4 each month over
>> the last 12 months. You get slightly different results if you use "flex 3" 
>> and
>> "flex 4" so I'd say it's only rough indication but better than guessing.
> I'm not sure I understand.  To me, the question isn't whether a lot of folks
> are using Flex 3.  The question is: are there bugs in Flex 3 that they want
> fixed and if we fixed them they would/could use Apache Flex?
> IOW, you have to meet all of the following criteria:
> 1) Cannot upgrade to Flex 4.x
> 2) Can switch from Adobe Flex to Apache Flex
> 3) Need a bug fixed in 3.x SDK that cannot be practically resolved via
> workaround or monkey-patch.
> Otherwise, we'll spend all of this time on release candidates for 3.x
> without a significant payoff.
> -- 
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe Systems, Inc.
> http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

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