On further digging into Alert, I have a question:

The buttons are created in a createButtons function in Alert.as instead of 
being part of AlertSkin. I see you allow for setting a button style for styling 
of the buttons, but that presupposes that all the buttons look the same. If you 
want to skin the buttons so the Okay button has a check icon and the Cancel 
button has an x icon (for example), there's no straight-forward way of doing 
that. Furthermore, createButtons() is a private function instead of protected, 
so subclassing Alert.as will not help either.

Should the button created be moved to the skin? Or maybe there should be four 
different styles that can be set for the buttons instead of one and leave 
everything else as is? Does anyone share my concern here? (I'd be happy to make 
modifications if others agree with me.)


On Feb 22, 2013, at 12:28 PM, Bogdan DINU wrote:

> Hi,
> 1) indeterminate ProgressBar can be made by customizing the skin. You can
> also customize the labelFunction to display whatever you need.
> 2) ColorPicker doesn't allow you to set dataProvider - indeed you can
> extend it to suit your needs (overriding childrenCreated() will allow you
> to set any dataProvider you need).
> 3) Alert has a skin : note that if in your skin messageDisplay is not
> defined, message will not show.
> All the best,
> Bogdan Dinu
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Gavriel Harbater <gavha...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> 2) ColorPicker: It does not seem to allow setting the dataProvider or
>> handle anything beyond an Array of color values. Arrays of Objects for
>> named colors is pretty important. If this in fact missing, I guess I'll
>> work at expanding the component…
>> 3) Alert: Does not show the error message. It looks to me that the problem
>> is here that the messageDisplay is null.
>>            if (messageDisplay) {
>>                messageDisplay.text = _message;
>>            }
>> On Feb 21, 2013, at 10:20 PM, Harbs wrote:
>>> Some questions on the components:
>>> 1) ProgressBar: It does not seem to have feature parity with the mx
>> version. There does not seem to be a way to specify an indeterminate
>> progress bar. There's no mode property. Am I missing something? There's
>> also no label property. Is the text set by specifying the
>> percentDisplay.text? Will that get overwritten as the progressbar updates?
> -- 
> http://www.badu.ro

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