JIRA use the JIRA Fisheye plugin to link the sources with, aparently, it's not setup for our project, I retreived the infra ticket [1], we can then directly deal with altassian to setup our project with fisheye.

From [2] :

Support FAQ
Can we use Fisheye to browse and search our repository?
Yes. See http://fisheye6.atlassian.com/ for some working examples. (Our Jira Fisheye currently disabled, looking into it)

The people at Atlassian kindly provide FishEye instances of ASF projects, upon request.

First, check with your project's PMC, and then ask Atlassian to setup a FishEye instance for your project. (No need to keep infra the loop.) Create a support request at Atlassian Support in the FishEye project. Please use the "Public Hosting" component for your request. If there is no response after a reasonable amount of time, infra has access to set up projects on Fisheye, but consider this a last resort option, Atlassian should be first point of contact. Atlassian now run a local synced copy of the ASF repository, hence requests can now be made direct without infra needing to be involved.

So, I decided to open an issue at Altassian fisheye [3]


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-5635
[2] https://cwiki.apache.org/INFRA/infra-faq.html
[3] https://support.atlassian.com/browse/JST-59433

-----Message d'origine----- From: Frédéric THOMAS
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 9:29 AM
To: dev@flex.apache.org
Subject: Re: Git and revision numbers

Who is JIRA admin btw ? it seem the fisheye plugin is there but


-----Message d'origine----- From: Frédéric THOMAS
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 9:19 AM
To: dev@flex.apache.org
Subject: Re: Git and revision numbers

That's a feature we have but maybe broken (we should deal with infra IMO).


-----Message d'origine----- From: Justin Mclean
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 8:58 AM
To: dev@flex.apache.org
Subject: Re: Git and revision numbers


You can check writing the JIRA ticket id in the commit message(s), push it/them , then go to JIRA, in the source tab, you should see all the modified files (if this feature is not broken again).

As far as I know this is not a feature we have - so what can we put in JIRA
to show exactly what changes that have occurred.


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