I don't agree. I think all work should be done on a 'feature' branch -
there is no inherent difference between changing code to create a new
feature and changing code to fix a bug. Also, more then one person
might want cooperate on fixing a bug, in which case a 'feature' branch
is also called for. In order to keep things simple, I suggest we
always work on 'feature' branches, so we can avoid introducing more
rules that determine when to use one and when not to. KISS :-)

Also: the Gitflow article mentions the 'develop' branch is actually
the 'integration' branch, which I also read as: don't work on it


On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 11:10 AM, Justin Mclean
<jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>> As the Gitflow model this project agreed to follow says to always (and
>> only) work on feature branches
> For features yes but not for bug fixes as far as I'm aware. Notice the yellow 
> dots on the develop branch with no arrows from other branches. Bugfixes are 
> not the same as hotfixes as hotfixes are applied to the release branch not 
> the develop branch.
> http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
> Justin

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