I'm not in a good place to stop and investigate right now.

Is it possible that a falcon build polluted your setup?

On 3/25/13 8:33 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>> Ah yes, I never did finish the release target.  I just got main and
>> checkintests to run.  If you can fix it, great, if not, I will try to get to
>> it later in the week.
> Issue I'm having is to do with compiling themes no idea what is causing the
> error.
> ant themes
> compile:
>      [echo] Compiling samples/themes/arcade/arcade.swc
> /Users/justinmclean/Documents/ApacheFlexDevelopGit/build.xml:442: The
> following error occurred while executing this line:
> /Users/justinmclean/Documents/ApacheFlexDevelopGit/samples/themes/arcade/build
> .xml:63: File does not exist: compiler.jar"
> "ant main" to compile the SDK works but "ant release' fails on above
> Justin

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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