On 4/25/13 5:27 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

> Hi,
>>  1.5Mb/s or I can pay more and get 3Mb/s.
> It's probably 1.5MB/s and 3MB/s - either way time taken to download 6K is not
> the issue.
> BTW I assume the library in question is this:
> http://docs.closure-library.googlecode.com/git/namespace_goog_events.html
> Is does seem to have a few useful features:
> - nice handling of "this" in event handlers
> - Avoids circular references to stop memory leaks
> - Bubble and capture in IE
> - Supports IE6+, FF1.5+, WebKit, Opera
> - Well tested and use by Google - will keep up to date with any browser quirks
> etc etc
> - Google JS optimisation tools work with it
> Have I missed anything? Is there a google CDN hosted version of it?
For release builds, I think it will be minified into the JS.
> How does that compare to what we currently have?
Aha!  Capture phase on IE8 may be the thing I've been missing.  Although, if
we choose not to support IE6 and IE7 (and I really think we shouldn't), I'd
rather package up an IE8 "polyfill" so that all other browsers can use their
native event systems.

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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