On 4/24/13 11:50 PM, "Erik de Bruin" <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:

> Alex,
> Sounds like you're currently not interested. Too bad. I'll leave the
> branch on the public repo in case you change your mind.
Erik, I really appreciate the time and energy you've provided to Apache
Flex.  However, it feels like every time I question a contribution, you
threaten to quit.  The vast majority of the lines of code you have submitted
are in the repo.  Of the 100's of lines of changes in the goog.events
branch, I am only questioning a small percentage of them.

We are supposed to work together and to me that means that we have to be
willing to accept reviews.  I think I am keeping the review on a technical
level as we are supposed to at Apache.  If you feel personally attacked then
please point out what language I am using that feels like an attack and
accept my apology. 

It has gotten to the point where I feel like I should never review your
contributions and just let you check in anything you want.  Maybe that's
what Apache means by "community over code", but that doesn't feel right to
> After Marmotinni and 'goog.events' - which combined represent a couple
> of man-weeks work - have been denied by the project lead of FlexJS,
> I'm not at all motivated to make further contributions to that
> project.
Marmotinni is still in the repo.  It was not denied.  I am hopeful we can
find the time to alter it a bit so that we can leverage a mustella-like test
syntax so we can test both AS and JS with one test.
> If I decide to keep contributing to Apache Flex at all, I'll focus on
> developing the VanillaSDK for AS->JS, a library that promises to have
> a much shallower learning curve for application developers than
> FlexJS.
I hope you continue to contribute to Apache Flex, but please tell me how I
can review your code without making you want to quit every time I disagree
with you.

Alex Harui
Flex SDK Team
Adobe Systems, Inc.

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