My point is just that we at least wait to see if the ASF comes up with a
more definitive set of defaults and then worry about filling in the rest.
Maybe they will dictate that, from this day forward, all committer and PMC
-1 votes are vetoes, projects no longer get a choice.  Then that's one or
two less things for us to hassle with.  And when the dust settles on that,
we can ask about how other projects that don't auto-rotate PMC Chairs
change those chairs and see if the ASF wants to define a single process
for that or at least learn from others what worked and what didn't.  Looks
like from other emails that chairs usually resign, but if one wasn't doing
the job, I would expect the rest of the PMC to start complaining and then
if the chair doesn't resign, select some new candidates, vote the old one
out and vote in a new one.

BTW, I'm happy to continue as chair as long as Adobe pays me to work on
Apache Flex and potentially longer.  It is "easy" for me at this point
because I don't have to give up billable hours to do whatever Chair tasks
are required.


On 10/1/13 9:48 PM, "Justin Mclean" <> wrote:

>> Personally, I'm leaning towards not having bylaws/guidelines, or at
>>least waiting until we see if we can get folks on general@ to clean up
>>the voting document.
>It's not going to cover everything or if/when they can clear it up. And
>if they do does it apply retroactively?It seems to be the option that the
>default where no guidelines exist is consensus and -1 is a veto (when
>voting in committers). [1] [2]
The problem I have is that the Voting.html page [3] implies that -1 is
only a veto on code and that is the only document hosted at foundation.

>Not being clear on how to vote a committer in, seems to me a fundamental
>thing that needs to be resolved.
Agreed, but I'm hoping the ASF will decide it instead of letting the
projects choose.


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