On 11/6/13 11:41 PM, "Erik de Bruin" <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:

>Do you also see the following warning when compiling DataBindingTest to
>Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'strings'.
>dataProvider="{MyModel(applicationModel).strings}" />
>Just checking to make sure I have the same results as you... Also,
>when I run the app (debug and release), I see the string 'undefined'
>displayed several times on screen. Is that what you see as well?
No.  Where do you see that?  Did you get my changes?  Databinding was
broken because the is/as code didn't handle "x as String".  I put a new
FlexJSOverlay.zip on my people.a.o folder.  Maybe you need that.


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