Maybe 7 is my lucky number...

Please vote to approve Apache Flex SDK Installer version 3.0 to be

Issues addressed in this release:
- Installer upgraded to run ant scripts in the binary packages it installs.
- Dev builds are now hidden by default.  To see dev builds, right-click
and choose "Show Dev Builds"
- You can enable a cache of downloads by right-clicking and configuring
the cache

The Apache Flex SDK 4.12.0 is configured to use ant scripts for
installation.  You can determine that the ant script is running because
the order of the options has the font libraries last (otherwise the
remoting option is last).  The installer should also be able to install
the Nightly for FlexJS.  If you want to try installing
a nightly for Falcon or FalconJX, please choose an existing Flex SDK

The source distributions for Windows and Mac are available here:

The binary distributions as a convenience for the respective platforms,
available here:

As agreed, there are no Linux binaries for this version.

Before voting  please review the sections:
What are the ASF requirements on approving a release? at and approving a release  at

[ ] +1 Approve the release
[ ] -1 Veto the release (please provide specific comments)

This vote will be open for at least 72 hours.


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