Thanks for working on it. If it is easier to hook most tests to cilistener that 
is probably a good achievement. A custom runner for performance and memory 
could probably wait.
Sent via the PANTECH Discover, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone.

piotrz <> wrote:

After a lot of modifications I've managed to run first test's class with Flex
Unit 4.2 RC3 -> AccessibilityMethodsTest.

But I need some confirmation about my direction. In TLF "automation_apps"
project we have "TestDescriptorRunner" which implements this interface -> -> Thanks to this methods we can get information about
every test and TestDescriptorRunner display it into appropriate list
"failure list" or "result list" depends what happened.

In flex unit 4 most of those information about test we have got into
TestRunnerBase. When I add FU 4 to project I've simple removed all of those
methods and UI for display information and I replaced it one line of code
-> <flexunituirunner:TestRunnerBase id="testRunner"/>.

But some of TLF tests collecting information about memory usage, duration
and more... which was displayed in result list's TestDescriptorRunner.  -

The question is do we need all of those information, should I also try to
collect it and display ?

Second question:
After click "Run Test" we have got popup where we simple choose which test
we wanted to run:

With FU 4 I don't know how to run only selected methods (if someone
know...), I can only tell for FU 4 which classes should be run putting those
classes into suites. So if I do this we wouldn't have ability to run
selected methods but whole classes with tests method - on the list from
screenshot we will see only class names without methods. - so if selected
class will have 100 tests methods all of them will be run one by one. What
do you think about this solution ?


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