Sorry I missed this thread. Using [DefaultProperty] and [ArrayElementType]
sounds right for Spark components but I don't see [DefaultProperty]
declared in mx containers and I don't remember how mx containers were
validated. I'll investigate to see how it works this weekend.


On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 4:38 PM, Héctor A <> wrote:

> Cc-ing Gordon and Darrell here, in case they missed this thread.
> Thanks, that would be the better source of information and the best way to
> make sure I implement everything as it should.
> I didn't mention it, but of course I added support for ArrayElementType
> and InstanceType metas as well, although I didn't test any case where it is
> used inside a SWC yet, so it may fail in that case.
> I'll need to come up with every example and test case possible,

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