*If it isn't on the stage; then invalidateProperties will have no affect;
because the SystemManager (is that the right class?) is not aware of it;
and will push the component through its validation process.*

I didn't realize that the component hadn't been added to the displayList.
Serves me right for not fully reading the question and firing off a
half-baked suggestion. Let me try again....

To the OP: if you don't want to extend the component, you should be able to
get commitProperties() to fire on a component that has not been added to
the displayList by first calling invalidateProperties() and then call

var cmp:UIComponent = new UIComponent();

For the above example, cmp's commitProperties() method will fire even
though the component isn't on the displayList.
Both invalidateProperties() and validateProperties() are required.

On Wed, Mar 11, 2015 at 4:32 PM, Jeffry Houser <jef...@dot-com-it.com>

> On 3/11/2015 1:01 PM, Jake Knerr wrote:
>> Try calling invalidateProperties() before calling validateNow() to get
>> commitProperties() to fire.
>  If it isn't on the stage; then invalidateProperties will have no affect;
> because the SystemManager (is that the right class?) is not aware of it;
> and will push the component through its validation process.
> I pulled up the old code.  This was my render method for both MX and Spark
> components.
>         public function render(argInheritingStyles : Object):void{
>             this.createChildren();
>             this.childrenCreated();
>             this.initializationComplete();
>             this.inheritingStyles = argInheritingStyles;
>             this.commitProperties();
>             this.setStyle('paddingLeft',0);
>             this.setStyle('paddingRight',0);
>             this.setStyle('paddingTop',0);
>             this.setStyle('paddingBottom',0);
>             this.measure();
>             this.height = this.measuredHeight;
>             this.width = this.measuredWidth;
> this.updateDisplayList(this.unscaledWidth,this.unscaledHeight);
>         }
> Since it sounds like you want to 'use' and interact with the component;
> you'll probably also need a method that does update cycles.
> --
> Jeffry Houser
> Technical Entrepreneur
> http://www.jeffryhouser.com
> 203-379-0773

Jake Knerr - Flex Developer
Ardisia Labs

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