On 6/1/15, 3:04 PM, "Frédéric THOMAS" <webdoubl...@hotmail.com> wrote:

>> BTW, assuming we’ll have Mike’s AS to JS compiler, the JS files will
>> be generated by running a CompC like tool.  I had thoughts of teaching
>> CompJSC to stuff the JS files into the same swc specified by the -output
>> option, but ran out of time.
>I would like to see that happening.
>1- I didn't follow totally the thread relative to what mike what doing,
>do you mean it will do all the job that the COMPJSC does when converting
>AS to JS ?

Thinking about it some more, I think to build, for example, the Core.swc,
we would run CompJSC with one set of settings (different -js-output-type,
different library paths that point to a JS.swc and HTMLNative.swc) that
would product JS files, then another run with CompJSC with a different set
of settings (the ones it uses today) to cross-compile some other AS code
to produce more JS files.  Then somehow we want to compile all of the AS
into a SWC with library.swf and catalog.xml.  I guess chaining will help,
but I’m thinking you’ll also want to run just one of the compilers as you
fix bugs in certain areas.


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