Hi Mike,

ant all, then copy every jar from generated\dist\sdk\lib to <FlexJS SDK>\lib\ 
and compiler.jx\lib\jsc.jar to <FlexJS SDK>\js\lib\

Then in IJ use "compiler options / additional compiler options" to override the 
IJ default, example:


and build.

Frédéric THOMAS

> Date: Sat, 30 May 2015 15:03:29 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Falcon.jx] -library-path
> From: teotigraphix...@gmail.com
> To: dev@flex.apache.org
> Fred, I was looking at your branch, can you tell me exactly what now works
> with your changes?
> What is different in Intellij now?
> Mike
> On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Frédéric THOMAS <webdoubl...@hotmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was trying to compile an App with a Lib in FlexJS and seen few things:
> >
> > - The MXMLFlexJSPublisher doesn't pass the the ProblemQuery to
> > GoogDepsWriter.getListOfFile, we end up with a NPE (easy to fix)
> > - The addDeps() throws a RTE instead of a Problem, what do we want as
> > Problem here ?
> >
> > Adding models/MyModel.js to the swc didn't work for me, I didn't check but
> > my guess is because it was not added to the catalog ?
> >
> > How am I suppose to proceed to compile in the same time my swc / js and
> > having it included ?
> >
> > Frédéric THOMAS

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