This is awesome!  Thanks to you and the others who have brought the code
base to this point.


On 7/28/15, 11:15 AM, "Josh Tynjala" <> wrote:

>Hey folks,
>Last week, I created a prototype of some Feathers-like components running
>on top of CreateJS, but written in AS3 and transpiled with FlexJS.
>Here's a little demo:
>It's 50 buttons that can be scrolled vertically. Click/touch and drag to
>scroll (like a mobile app). Nothing amazing, but I think it shows the
>I tested scrolling performance on several devices. It maintains a good 60
>FPS on my Nexus 5 and iPad Mini 3. It's still quite smooth on a couple of
>three-year-old devices (Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 from 2012). For fun, I also
>tried it with the original Kindle Fire from 2011, but that was super slow.
>I suspect that this device's browser isn't capable of drawing canvas with
>GPU acceleration, though.
>I found that I needed to make one particular optimization to get the best
>performance. Most events dispatched by a Feathers component in this demo
>come from an object pool so that event objects can be reused. This boosted
>FPS on mobile devices a lot, in the same way that it helps in Starling.
>Garbage collection (and possibly allocation, to some degree) is a
>performance killer when it comes to UI.
>Scrolling is powered by the Zynga's "Scroller" JavaScript library. I
>made some externs for it. Being able to pull in existing JavaScript
>libraries is really nice.
>I put the source code for this experimental version of Feathers up on
>You'll see that there are some workarounds for bugs in the transpiler
>(which I've reported), but overall, it looks like regular old AS3 that
>you'd write for the Flash runtimes. It felt really nice to bring my AS3
>skills to a different environment.
>- Josh

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