Never thought I would see this;


On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 6:20 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> On 7/28/15, 1:29 PM, "Josh Tynjala" <> wrote:
> >Here's the root class from the demo:
> >
> >
> >
> >AS3 only. I'm pretty sure that I would need to manually wire some things
> >up
> >to allow MXML to be used with these components. However, as I understand
> >it, the Falcon MXML compiler is more data-driven, so the compiler might
> >not
> >need modifications. I assume the components would need to conform to some
> >kind of interface or pass in some kind of callbacks or something like
> >that.
> >I haven't looked into it.
> That’s the theory: the compiler should not need modification.  The
> component base classes can be modified to accept the MXML data and decide
> when to interpret it.  Let me know when you are ready to try it and I’ll
> provide more detail.
> -Alex

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