Cool.  I see the UK map rendering fine.

The next step is to figure out why the co-ordinates are not rendering.  The
key is to get the correct projection.  I am pretty sure GeoJSON
co-ordinates are in Mercator projection.

Here is a nice article that seems to be solving a similar problem.  See if
this helps:


On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 9:59 PM, Deepak MS <> wrote:

> Oh I really didn't knew that those values are swapped. Generally it would
> be lat\lng. Sorry for that. That was a sample data I got from the team and
> yes that is Oz data(NSW boundary).
> Anyway, to make it simple. I have created a project including the library:
> It has data which is a rectangular region surrounding London.
> We can get lat\lng points of custom regions here(by drawing
> circles\rectangles\lines on the map):
> In attached code, UK map gets plotted, only thing now is to draw\highlight
> region on top of the map based on the lat\long data.

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