I think this would be equivalent of having a Node.js talk at a client
conference.  i.e. someone immersed in client side technologies will be
interested in seeing what is a viable option among the server side
technologies.  Node.js seems familiar because it is Javascript based which
means that client side folks can quickly ramp up with it.

In the same way, we can highlight the fact that AS3 is closer to a language
like Java which means that server side folks (who know java) can rapidly
build web applications without having to learn a brand new type of
language.  Heck, this is why Flex got famous in the the first place.
Enterprise Java developers could suddenly build cool looking front end apps!

With FlexJS, it is the same.  The jump for a Java dev to go to FlexJS/AS3
is much smaller than the one to Javascript/AngularJS etc.  I guess this
this is how we need to project Flex and FlexJS.

And of course, we need some cool titles to attract people.  Justin gave a
talk titled - 'Treat your codebase like a crime scene'.  I am sure it got a
lot of attention :-)

I think if there are enough number of people interested in creating a
track, it wont be hard to make it happen.  And then it is a matter of
having sufficient number of talks in the track to fill the day(s)

I hope Chris can shed more light on this process.


On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 10:37 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

> On 2/3/16, 5:49 PM, "omup...@gmail.com on behalf of OmPrakash Muppirala"
> <omup...@gmail.com on behalf of bigosma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 5:46 PM, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>
> >wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Just worked out that I should be able to make it, not 100% sure what
> >>I’ll
> >> submit as a talk however. Would an Introduction to Flex fit into the
> >>client
> >> side track?
> >>
> >
> >I think it would.  Would you be open to doing a talk on Flex Mobile
> >instead?  I would like to do it, but I wont have bandwidth for two talks
> >in
> >this conference.
> You guys would know better since you've been to ApacheCons in 2015, but I
> still find myself wondering what it will take to either 1) cause someone
> who wouldn't normally attend ApacheCon to show up to learn more about
> client-side stuff, or 2) cause someone who came to ApacheCon to learn
> about server-side stuff to attend a client-oriented talk.  I also wonder
> if attendance numbers really matter.  Are we competing for rooms against
> other tracks and won't get accepted based on past attendance records or
> will the conference organizers accept just about any track because they
> have space?  If the former, we need to figure out how to get more folks to
> attend.
> I saw Justin do an introductory Flex presentation at ApacheCon in
> Portland.  Justin does a really good job, but the question remains whether
> it is the right topic for the demographic we expect.  Justin's
> presentation would be great at any 360|Flex, where people came to learn
> about Flex, but the people at the two ApacheCons I've attended seem
> different.  Maybe making it more of an overview of the project by mixing
> in more about Mobile and AIR might make it more interesting to the
> server-side guy.  IMO, it is unlikely the server-side person will become a
> Flex coder.  But what could we present in an overview such that he/she
> learns something worth taking back to his client folks?  Or maybe the
> server-oriented folks who attend still hear the echoes of negative news
> about Flash/AIR stuff and are less likely to show up unless we talk more
> about targeting JS.  Or maybe the angle really should be that the
> server-side folks should learn Flex so they don't have to wait on the
> client team?  Or maybe the content of the presentation is fine, but
> instead of a title like "Introduction to Flex" it should be something like
> "Rapid Cross-Platform Client and App Development with Apache Flex".   I
> don't really know, just brainstorming.
> We keep hearing that AIR is winning as a runtime in many places.  Are
> folks using Flex to create those AIR apps?  Have we tried to tell folks
> about that at ApacheCon?  I've seen other Apache projects not choose Flex
> for their cross-platform UI.  Why is that?  What could we say at ApacheCon
> that might make them choose Flex to build an AIR app?
> Anyway, I don't know how talks are selected for tracks, but I would
> imagine anything Justin wants to talk about that relates to Apache Flex
> would fit in the client category.
> Thoughts?
> -Alex

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