On 2/4/16, 1:47 AM, "Justin Mclean" <justinmcl...@me.com> wrote:
>> I've seen other Apache projects not choose Flex for their
>>cross-platform UI.  Why is that?
>Out of curiosity which ones? Perhaps being involved in their project
>would help adoption?

Well, most recently, Corinthia did not choose us.  And a recent project
that is scanning the repos is using D3 and not Flex.  Quite frankly, I
could not name any of the 100+ Apache Projects with Flex front ends.
Maybe Open Meetings?

A suggestion I made to Infra to think about using Flex was flatly rejected
because they didn't want to learn a new technology.  If you are on the
Infra MLs, I find it frustrating to see the number of commits that fix
typos in the scripts.  Think of how much time is spent across Apache just
deleting those emails much less debugging in and finding the typo.  I
think they'd have far fewer typos using Flex.  And then maybe they
wouldn't be quite so backlogged.


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