If AIR has a comparable API use that, if it doesn't then use native
process. And instead of environment variables use GUI and save those values
to a shared object.

On 2/15/16, 5:17 PM, "jude" <flexcapaci...@gmail.com> wrote:

>some ideas: the first time I used ant I loved it but as soon as i asked it
>to do anything complex it became a major pain, imo.
>when I was helping harbs with TLF it took me a week and a lot of patience
>to get it setup.
>I understand why there are build engineers now. I'm really hesitant to try
>and make ant work with any project.

So what do you use instead of Ant?

>but for people like me, and others the process has to be easier to set up.
>I'm not saying that's for you to do but I think it would be better to use
>actionscript instead. why not create an AIR app? use as3 to check for
>environment variables, ask for directories, use those with the file class
>to copy things where they need to go. have a build button. maybe it's not
>possible. idk.

IMO, Ant and Maven take care of a lot of cross-platform stuff that AIR
doesn't (grep, sed, etc).  We have emulated a significant number of Ant
tasks in AS already, but some of the hard ones are missing.  And if I
deploy and AIR app, it needs its own release cycle.  IMO, too much work
for the benefit for me to want to stop feature development to work on it.
But definitely give it a try if you are so inclined.

I'm not saying it isn't complex, and I do wish it was easier, but this is
the 4th time I've devoted at least a day to trying to make it easier.  And
so far, it hasn't seemed to move the needle.  Maybe it will this time.


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