On 4/21/16, 1:38 AM, "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:

>Ok ... so today I'm feeling like I'm wasting my time again :-(
>I merged the changes from develop up to my feature/maven-migration-test
>... unfortunately I had do manually merge quite some stuff, but that's
>ok. Now my build no longer worked. The Externs no longer compiled. So I
>switched to my Ant version, updated and did a "clean-all" and "all" build
>... this too didn't work, even if I got different errors. So as a measure
>of last resort, I did that "wipe-all" and then an "all" build. Now at
>least the Ant build worked again. Unfortunately I couldn't see what has
>changed :-(

What was the error you got?

>Could you guys please post to this list if you change any downloads or
>change things in the build? It's one thing to port something, but it's a
>completely different thing to find problems that now occur in a
>previously ported part :-(
>I think it would eventually be a good idea to do the maven switch pretty
>soon cause I'm loosing more and more of my time in keeping things in sync
>... time I would prefer to be investing on pushing the migration of ASJS

I'm still work on the Ant build in maven-migration-test.  I got through
compiler-build-tools and compiler-jburg-types and most of compiler, but am
currently on compiler/src/test.  Then on to compiler.jx, and the externs
and other things.  Hope to be done with it maybe Monday.


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