I've made some updates to the falconjx release packages.  A reminder: only
the flex-asjs and falconjx packages are up for release.  The falcon-only
packages are not.

Culling and consolidating from the links, I think the list of issues is:

1) Is there CreateJS-licensed source in the source package?  I think the
answer is no, but you did not mention what files you found.  There are
patches in the source package.  Patches are, AIUI, modifications and thus
the modifications are under ALv2.  The patch files now contain the ASF
header and a note that they are generated from Ant script.
2) Old copyrights (2001-2005) and non-standard headers in some of the
source files.  I found some old copyrights in compiler-build-tools/*.java
and compiler/src/test/java/utils/FlashplayerSecurityHandler.java.   I
replaced the headers per Chris's reply.
3) License for svg.js.  This file comes from
https://code.google.com/archive/p/closureidl/ where it says it is BSD 3
clause, but doesn't give us anything to copy or point to so I just added
to LICENSE that it is BSD without a copy or pointer
4) Copyright year for FDB properties files.  These have been fixed.
5) License for Penner's easing equations.  I copied the BSD license from
Penner's site into LICENSE.
6) Mention EaselJS and TweenJS in LICENSE.  I added this to license and
copied the license into the binary packages.
7) Flat fonts are not distributed by Apache.  The installer grabs them
from Flat and my personal build server after license acceptance.
8) Matrix.as and Vector3D.as:  I wrote to Lizhi for more information.
However, specific to these two classes, do we have evidence that there are
lines of code in these two files that have a copyright owner other than
Lizhi?  Especially if, as I understand it, that APIs are not
copyrightable?  The shumway versions of these two files don't seem to have
any implementations.

On 8/2/16, 3:50 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>There's a couple of licensing/policy issues outstanding AFAIK [1][2][3],
>also Im not sure if the issues with FlatUI [3] or encode/decode UTF8 [4]
>have been resolved or the possible GPL/MPL licensing issue [6]
>Is there anything else I’ve missed?

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