On 2/13/17, 2:28 AM, "carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
<carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of carlos.rov...@codeoscopic.com> wrote:

>Discussion about Map/WeakMap comes due to the fact we have Dictionary in
>Flash but no counterpart in JS, so our FlexJS class should use Map/WeakMap
>in JS and Dictionary on SWF.
>But for Iterator, I think we had that in AS3Commons right?

Could be, but IMO, in many ways, we want to use structured JS constructs
where we can, so there is no overhead in the JS output.  So sure, add JS
Iterators if you need them, maybe to the Collections.swc.  If you need
generics to do it, it will have to wait.

Regarding ObjectMap, it is currently breaking the build because we use the
regular Flex SDK to compile the ASDoc and it doesn't like having methods
named "delete".  Can that be changed or do we need to put more energy into
having Falcon generate our ASDoc?


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