On 2/13/17, 2:58 PM, "Justin Mclean" <jus...@classsoftware.com> wrote:

>> A bit more complex for SWFs.  JS it should just work.
>So is SolidBackgroundBead the default for a container or do I need to add

Default for SWF.  It should not be used for JS.

The change event from BindableCSSStyles still needs to be wired up to
actually change the styles applying to the component.

There is some code in UIBase that looks like this:

         * @param value The event containing new style properties.
        protected function styleChangeHandler(value:ValueChangeEvent):void
            var newStyle:Object = {};
            newStyle[value.propertyName] = value.newValue;
            ValuesManager.valuesImpl.applyStyles(this, newStyle);

IMO, that code should be removed as it isn't PAYG for it to be there.
Instead that code should be in a bead and somehow the events from
BindableCSSStyles should run that code.


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