It is probably technically possible.  But would it attract TS folks?

Other crazy ideas along these lines are:

1) have FalconJX output TS as well as JS
2) extend AS with some of the popular TS features
3) make sure it is really easy to use TS libraries in FlexJS.

My 2 cents,

On 8/7/17, 8:11 AM, "Harbs" <> wrote:

>I was thinking about how we could increase adoption of FlexJS and I had a
>How crazy would it be to make Falcon understand TypeScript?
>TypeScript is currently very popular for many of the reasons that we like
>ActionScript. The difference is that ActionScript is not the current fad.
>There are also many js libraries written in TypeScript.
>If FalconJX would be able to compile .as files alongside .ts files,
>TypeScript code could become first-class citizens in the FlexJS
>ecosystem. That would accomplish two things:
>1. TypeScript code could be used as-is in a project.
>2. It would make FlexJS an option for many TypeScript developers and give
>FlexJS a shot at vastly increased adoption.

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