Hi Harbs, Yishay,

Congratulation on your migration!

I agree, everyone who has contributed to our PAYG philosophy and use of
Beads deserves credit.  It may not be fair to say that all performance
gains are due to the coding patterns we've used.  The JS runtimes in the
browsers have gotten much faster and at startup, you don't spend time
loading and initializing the Flash Player.  But you and Yishay have proven
that you can reproduce an existing Flex app feature-for-feature, save time
in migration by choosing FlexJS and don't have to sacrifice performance
and can even improve it.

Congratulations again, and thank you for contributions to FlexJS.

On 9/20/17, 12:28 AM, "Harbs" <harbs.li...@gmail.com> wrote:

>We are currently in a “partner preview” of our FlexJS application and
>getting feedback from partners prior to a wider preview.
>The feedback has been good so far.
>I just wanted to share one bit of feedback we got:
>> Super fast and responsive
>I think this is even relative to our old Flash app. This is an app which
>is churning a huge amount of data, lots of transformed graphics, lots of
>network IO, etc.
>This is before I have even done a lot of the performance and memory
>optimizations on my todo list.
>It’s really a stress test for whatever framework it’s using, and FlexJS
>passed with flying colors. It’s a testament to the architecture that Alex
>designed, and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone on the team. :-)
>We don’t have any real performance comparisons to other JS frameworks
>yet, but my educated guess is that we’d probably do better than just
>about any other framework.

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