I think we're designing ourselves into ever more complicated corners here. Maybe we need to take a step back and reconsider. What would you think about this (somewhat) simpler proposal:

- introduce a hint called CONNECTOR_OPTIONS(k=v,...). or CONNECTOR_PROPERTIES, depending on what naming we want to have for this in the future. This will simply overwrite all connector properties, the table factories don't know about hints but simply work with the properties that they are given

- this special hint is disabled by default and can be activated with a global option "foo.bazzle.connector-hints" (or something like this) which has a warning that describes that this can change query semantics etc.

That's it. This makes connector implementations a lot easier while still allowing inline configuration.

I still don't like using hint syntax at all for this, because I strongly maintain that hints should not change query syntax. In general using hints should be kept to a minimum because they usually point to shortcomings in the system.


On 02.04.20 06:06, Jingsong Li wrote:
Hi Dawid,

When a factory is instantiated it has access to the CatalogTable,
therefore it has access to all the original properties. In turn it knows
the original format and can call FormatFactory#supportedHintOptions().

Factory can only get CatalogTable when creating source or sink,
right? IIUC, TableFactory may be stateless too.
When invoking SourceFactory#supportedHintOptions(), it can not
get CatalogTable, so it is impossible to create FormatFactory?

Jingsong Lee

On Wed, Apr 1, 2020 at 10:05 PM Danny Chan <yuzhao....@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi, Dawid, thanks so much for the detail suggestions ~

1. Regarding the motivation:

I agree it's not a good suggested way based on the fact that we have
better solution, but i think we can support override that as long as it
exists as one of the the table options. I would remove if from the
motication part.

2. The options passes around during sql-to-rel conversion, right after we
generate the RelOptTable (CatalogSourceTable#toRel in Flink), this is
indeed a push way method at least in the RelOptTable layer, then we hand
over the options to TableSourceFactory with our own context, which is fine
becuase TableSourceFactory#Context is the contact to pass around these
table-about variables.

3. "We should not end up with an extreme example where we can change the
connector type", i totally agree that, and i have listed the
"connector.type" as forbidden attribute in the WIKI. As for the format, i
think the connector itself can/should control whether to override the
"format.type", that is one of the reason i change the
TableSourceFactory#supportedHintOpitons to
TableSourceFactory#forbiddenHintOpitons, use a blacklist, we can limit the
format keys we want conveniently.

4. SQL Hints syntax.

I think the k and v in the hint_item should be QUOTED_STRING (not sure
if it is equivalent to string_literal).

I disagree, we at least should keep sync with our DDL: use the string
literal as the key. We did also support the simple identifier because this
is the common hint syntax from Calcite, it does not hurt anything for the
OPTIONS hint, the unsupported keys would validate fails.(If you think that
may cause some confuse, i can make the syntax pluggable for each hint in

We only supports OPTIONS hint in the FLIP, and i have changed the title to
"Supports dynamic table options", would make it more clear in the WIKI.

5. Yes, we also have this concerns from our offline discussion, that is
one of the reason, why i change the TableSourceFactory#supportedHintOpitons
to TableSourceFactory#forbiddenHintOpitons, i do not choose Set<String>
supportedHintOptionKeys() with wildcard for 2 reasons:

   - The wildcard is still not descriptive, we can still not forbidden one
of the properties among the wildcard properties, we can not enable or
disable them totally
   - ConfigOption is our new structure for keys, and it does not support
wildcard yet.

Danny Chan
在 2020年4月1日 +0800 PM9:12,Dawid Wysakowicz <dwysakow...@apache.org>,写道:
Few comments from my side:
1. Regarding the motivation:
I think the example with changing the update-mode is not a good one. In
the long term this should be done with EMIT CHANGELOG (discussed in
Nitpicking: I would mention that it is rather for debugging/ad-hoc
solution. I think this should not be a recommended way for production use
cases as it bypasses the Catalog, which should be the source of truth.
2. I could not understand how the additional options will be passed to
the TableSourceFactory. Could you elaborate a bit more on that? I see there
is a Context interface that gives the options. But cannot find a way to get
the context itself in the factory. Moreover I think it would make more
sense to have rather a push based approach here. Something like
applyOptions(ReadableConfig) method.
3. As for the concerns Jingsong raised in the voting thread. I think it
is not a big problem, but I agree this should be also described. I disagree
with "Connector don't know format information in TableFactory before
obtains real properties, so it can not list any format
When a factory is instantiated it has access to the CatalogTable,
therefore it has access to all the original properties. In turn it knows
the original format and can call FormatFactory#supportedHintOptions().
The only case when this would not work would be if we allow changing the
format of the Table (e.g. from avro to parquet), which does not sound like
a good idea to me. I think this feature should not end up as a way to
declare a whole table inline in a SQL query, but should rather be a simple
way for debugging queries. We should not end up with an extreme example
where we do:
SELECT * FROM myTable /* OPTIONS('connector.type'='kafka', ...,
'format.type' = 'json', ....) */
4. SQL Hints syntax.
I think the k and v in the hint_item should be QUOTED_STRING (not sure
if it is equivalent to string_literal). I think we should not use
simple_identifier because this implies that we cannot use e.g. any SQL
keywords. Anyway it has nothing to do with identifiers. If I am not
mistaken it is also how the options in the CREATE statement are implemented.
What is the purpose of the remaining hint_item: hint_name(hint_opt [
,hint_opt ]*)? It is not discussed in the FLIP. Moreover I got a feeling it
does also suggests to support the whole Apache Calcite hint system without
specifying that explicitly. Is the intention of the FLIP to support
choosing e.g. JOIN strategies through hints already? If it is so it should
be mentioned in the FLIP, imo.
5. I think something does not work around the supportedHintOptions and
wildcards. How do you want to represent a wildcard key as a ConfigOption? I
am not sure about that, just a though, maybe it make sense to have rather
Set<String> supportedHintOptionKeys()?

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