Last week I spent some time looking into making flink-runtime scala free, which effectively means to move the Akka-reliant classes to another module, and load that module along with Akka and all of it's dependencies (including Scala) through a separate classloader.

This would finally decouple the Scala versions required by the runtime and API, and would allow us to upgrade Akka as we'd no longer be limited to Scala 2.11. It would rid the classpath of a few dependencies, and remove the need for scala suffixes on quite a few modules.

However, our Mesos support has unfortunately a hard dependency on Akka, which naturally does not play well with the goal of isolating Akka in it's own ClassLoader.

To solve this issue I was thinking of simple dropping flink-mesos in 1.14 (it was deprecated in 1.13).

Truth be told, I picked this option because it is the easiest to do. We _could_ probably make things work somehow (likely by shipping a second Akka version just for flink-mesos), but it doesn't seem worth the hassle and would void some of the benefits. So far we kept flink-mesos around, despite not really developing it further, because it didn't hurt to have it in still in Flink, but this has now changed.

Please tell me what you think.

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