Hi Lihe,

What happens if we enable incremental checkpoints by default while the used
memory backend is HashMapStateBackend, which doesn't support incremental

Best regards,


Op ma 13 jun. 2022 om 11:59 schreef Lihe Ma <ma_l...@163.com>:

> Hi, Everyone,
> I would like to open a discussion on setting incremental checkpoint as
> default behavior.
> Currently, the configuration of state.backend.incremental is set as false
> by default. Incremental checkpoint has been adopted widely in industry
> community for many years , and it is also well-tested from the feedback in
> the community discussion. Incremental checkpointing is more light-weighted:
> shorter checkpoint duration, less uploaded data and less resource
> consumption.
> In terms of backward compatibility, enable incremental checkpointing would
> not make any data loss no matter restoring from a full checkpoint/savepoint
> or an incremental checkpoint.
> FLIP-193 (Snapshot ownership)[1] has been released in 1.15, incremental
> checkpoint no longer depends on a previous restored checkpoint in default
> NO_CLAIM mode, which makes the checkpoint lineage much cleaner, it is a
> good chance to change the configuration state.backend.incremental to true
> as default.
> Thus, based on the above discussion, I suggest to make
> state.backend.incremental as true by default. What do you think of this
> proposal?
> [1]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-193%3A+Snapshots+ownership
> Best regards,
> Lihe Ma

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