Thanks Ralph. Seems the unit tests are picking up valid problems, which is
reassuring. Curious about execsource although I've got a feeling that did
change since the last release?????


On Tue, 25 Jan 2022, 19:03 Ralph Goers, <> wrote:

> There seem to be two builds running and both fail but fail in different
> places.
> The first build seems to be failing in a way it shouldn’t. The test is for
> not specifying any Kafka partitions.
> The behavior of how Kafka handles this changed in version 2.4 so it should
> only be checking to see if it
> received all the evants, but it appears it is somehow in the logic to
> check that all the partitions have an
> equal number of events. I’ve added more info into the assert message to
> help diagnose this.
> The second build is failing in changes I just made to upgrade Netty &
> Avro. It appears to be failing
> checking the local host name. I will have to add some info to the error to
> determine what it getting for a
> hostname.
> I then ran the build in an Ubuntu VM on my MacBook and it got an error in
> TestExecSource (which hasn’t
> been changed). It seems it is calling process.waitFor() and getting a
> returned value of 1. I changed the
> test to call waitFor before calling destroy and it passed. It then failed
> in TestFileChannelRestart giving me
> IOExceptions saying the checkpoint hadn’t completed and the checkpoint
> interval should be increased.
> I added logic to retry in this situation but there is a unit test that
> tries to force that error so I had to have
>  it bypass the fix in that case.
> I committed those changes and will look at the results of the next Travis
> build to see what additional info
> it can provide.
> Ralph
> > On Jan 24, 2022, at 12:18 AM, Tristan Stevens <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> > It seems that for some reason the Travis builds are failing again. One
> of them has been since the Log4j and SLF4J bump (odd) and the other since
> the Kafka upgrade.
> >
> > Anybody got some cycles in investigate whether these are just flaky
> tests and/or whether there’s something more sinister in there?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Tristan
> >

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