it looks like the below did the trick for me

find <root for fluo-recipes> -name *.jar -exec mvn install:install-file 
-Dfile=\{\} \;

there are a number of other breaking changes, working through those and will 
hopefully post a PR to fluo-examples with a working version.

From: Arvind Shyamsundar
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2021 3:38 PM
To: fluo-dev <>
Subject: fluo-examples/webindex

Hi folks, hope all is well. I was trying to get webindex to compile and work 
correctly with current snapshots of Fluo and Accumulo. I updated references in 
the webindex code per current Accumulo methods (getAccumuloClient instead of 
getConnector, etc.). I also built fluo-recipes-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT successfully. 
What is the best way to ensure webindex uses the locally built 
fluo-recipes-1.3.0-SNAPSHOT? Iā€™m guessing some `mvn install:install-file` 
stuff, but I wanted to check if someone has a proven recipe (pun intended šŸ˜Š) 
for this?

Thanks in advance!


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