
On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 10:57 AM Keith Turner <> wrote:
> I did manually create it because I noticed the previous ones, I did
> not realize those were automatically created in the past.  Deleting
> all of those sounds good to me.
> On Wed, Apr 19, 2023 at 10:32 PM Christopher <> wrote:
> >
> > I noticed with 2.0.0, a new release at
> > (I think Keith manually
> > created that as part of the 2.0.0 post-vote release steps? Perhaps he
> > can confirm.)
> >
> > In the past, all tags automatically got a "release" entry on GitHub.
> > However, that is no longer the case. GitHub has now separated out the
> > idea of a "release" from a "tag" enough that these aren't
> > automatically created anymore, and we don't need to worry about
> > updating them with release names and release notes. This feature in
> > GitHub is primarily used as a way to make artifacts available for
> > download, along with release notes. However, in ASF land, we have our
> > website and the ASF-provided CDN for that and do not need this
> > feature. I believe GitHub actually made that change to stop
> > automatically creating faux "releases" for every tag as a result of
> > pressure from the ASF, because these faux "releases" were being
> > mistaken as official ASF releases, when they weren't. I can't remember
> > the specific mailing list where this was discussed, but maybe one from
> >
> > To make matters worse, the content of these "releases" are not
> > actually the same as the official source artifact releases from the
> > ASF, that the PMC voted on, at all. They are merely GitHub UI magic to
> > download a copy of the git source tree for a specified tag. The tag
> > contents can, and often do, differ slightly from the actual official
> > releases, and they also don't match our published checksums for
> > releases and are not accompanied by the required GPG detached
> > signatures. The downloads these link to can even change over time, if
> > GitHub changes the way the file is generated from the repo (using a
> > different timestamp, or different compression options).
> >
> > In order to reduce confusion and to avoid misrepresenting these as ASF
> > releases when they are not, we should not be using this GitHub feature
> > at all, and all these "releases", which are not actually ASF releases
> > at all, should be deleted. This will not delete the tag, though. The
> > tags will remain... and users can also append .zip or .tar.gz to a
> > commit hash URL on GitHub to download a copy of the repo contents at
> > that commit, without us using this, if they want to.
> >
> > For comparison, note that Apache Accumulo does not have any GitHub
> > "releases" at, in spite of
> > having many tags at
> > Similarly, long-running projects like Hadoop and HTTPD do not do this
> > either (,
> > I did see that Maven does
> > do this (, and I'm not sure
> > their reasons, but for the technical/release policy/user experience
> > reasons above, I think it's a really bad idea.
> >
> > If creating these "releases" are documented anywhere in our developer
> > docs, we should update that documentation to correct that.
> >
> > Christopher

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