I noticed with 2.0.0, a new release at
https://github.com/apache/fluo/releases (I think Keith manually
created that as part of the 2.0.0 post-vote release steps? Perhaps he
can confirm.)

In the past, all tags automatically got a "release" entry on GitHub.
However, that is no longer the case. GitHub has now separated out the
idea of a "release" from a "tag" enough that these aren't
automatically created anymore, and we don't need to worry about
updating them with release names and release notes. This feature in
GitHub is primarily used as a way to make artifacts available for
download, along with release notes. However, in ASF land, we have our
website and the ASF-provided CDN for that and do not need this
feature. I believe GitHub actually made that change to stop
automatically creating faux "releases" for every tag as a result of
pressure from the ASF, because these faux "releases" were being
mistaken as official ASF releases, when they weren't. I can't remember
the specific mailing list where this was discussed, but maybe one from

To make matters worse, the content of these "releases" are not
actually the same as the official source artifact releases from the
ASF, that the PMC voted on, at all. They are merely GitHub UI magic to
download a copy of the git source tree for a specified tag. The tag
contents can, and often do, differ slightly from the actual official
releases, and they also don't match our published checksums for
releases and are not accompanied by the required GPG detached
signatures. The downloads these link to can even change over time, if
GitHub changes the way the file is generated from the repo (using a
different timestamp, or different compression options).

In order to reduce confusion and to avoid misrepresenting these as ASF
releases when they are not, we should not be using this GitHub feature
at all, and all these "releases", which are not actually ASF releases
at all, should be deleted. This will not delete the tag, though. The
tags will remain... and users can also append .zip or .tar.gz to a
commit hash URL on GitHub to download a copy of the repo contents at
that commit, without us using this, if they want to.

For comparison, note that Apache Accumulo does not have any GitHub
"releases" at https://github.com/apache/accumulo/releases, in spite of
having many tags at https://github.com/apache/accumulo/tags
Similarly, long-running projects like Hadoop and HTTPD do not do this
either (https://github.com/apache/hadoop/releases,
https://github.com/apache/httpd/releases). I did see that Maven does
do this (https://github.com/apache/maven/releases), and I'm not sure
their reasons, but for the technical/release policy/user experience
reasons above, I think it's a really bad idea.

If creating these "releases" are documented anywhere in our developer
docs, we should update that documentation to correct that.


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