Quoting Ross Gardler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> David Crossley wrote:
> > Let us get some planning happening or we are going to have trouble
> > getting the release out.
> > 
> > We obviously missed the dates of 2003-03-25 and 2005-03-22
> > because we need code-freeze and testing for one week beforehand.
> > 
> > I suggest the following release plan:
> > 
> > Code freeze and testing starts on 2005-03-30 which is
> > two days after Easter. During "code freeze" we cannot add any
> > new functionality, just bug fixes and documentation tweaks.
> > We create the release candidates for both Windows and UNIX on
> > this day and start the vote.
> > 
> > If changes have been made during the week, then we create
> > another set of release candidates on 2005-04-05 to give people
> > time to verify the signatures and checksums and to do final tests.
> > 
> > Actual release date Wednesday 2005-04-06 then wait 24 hours
> > for the mirrors to receive it before sending the announcements.
> > 
> > If anyone wants any different, then please propose another
> > release plan.
> > 
> I'm still snowed under with a project that keeps getting extended. It is 
> due to finish (again) the end of this week.
> I'll do what I can but cannot be certain of my undivided attention.
> Ross

Some things (like plugin documentation; and maybe plugin versioning) seem like
they are very important to get done before the release.  Ross has done a lot on
the plugins, but even if we help, what if we don't have these done before the
release date?  What would you guys think of postponing the release until we
finish them?  I don't know what would be best...

There are also a lot of other issues scheduled for 0.7 that we haven't been
working on.  They don't seem too critical though.

Dave Brondsema : [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
http://www.brondsema.net : personal 
http://www.splike.com : programming 
http://csx.calvin.edu : student org 

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