Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
I know this has come up before, but I'm not sure which of the info in old threads is still relevant today so I'll ask again:
If you remind us what came up before, then we might be able to tell you if still relevant.
Why does Forrest expect unique element names in site.xml.
One reason I found in the archives is that you need to have a unique ID to distinguish between two entries pointing to the same file such as
<about1 label="About 1"> <index label="Index" href="index.html" description="Welcome to MyProj"/> </about>
<about2 label="About 2"> <index label="Index from somewhere else" href="index.html" description="Welcome to MyProj"/> </about>
I am confused as to what is your issue. It doesn't expect unique element names.
Refer to them with site:about1/index and site:about2/index Or did i miss the point.
I think what Ferdinand is saying is that he wants to use a schema to drive an Editor for the site.xml and tabs.xml files. Without a defined schema he can't do that. So his question is, if I define a schema will I break any functionality.
I believe it will break the site: and ext: protocols as I don't think we can use attributes to identify nodes in those protocols (I may be wrong). Certainly the IMSManifest plugin breaks these protocols.
But then, why not use an ID-Attribute to achieve this?
I just glanced through the Forrest docs that Ross referred to. The original mail thread is linked and it shows the use of the id attributes. Don't know if that followed through to implementation.
I don't see that. I only see "site:about1/index" type links.