David Crossley wrote:
Ross Gardler wrote:

David Crossley wrote:

I don't understand what you mean Ross. It already works for me,
the catalog entity resolver finds the local "status DTD".

That can be proved that by changing the publicIdentifier
in status.xml to be deliberately broken, then it fails
as it should,
e.g. ...  PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Status Foo-Bust V1.3//EN"

Well it isn't working for me. Forrest appears to not be resolving the catalogs since it is looking in the local directory for the DTD.

This happens for the projectInfo, OpenOffice.org and simplified-docbook plugins.

Any ideas?

How are you invoking forrest?
If it is in the plugins directory using
'forrest/tools/ant/bin/ant test'
then did you remember the recent discussion
about the system Ant libs missing resolver.jar

Yep, I have xml-commons-resolver,jar in my ant lib directory.

It occurs however I run forrest:

ant test
forrest site
forrest run

I just verified I was at the latest release of Forrest, and did a clean build (somehow I always forget to do that). But no change.


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