Johannes Schaefer wrote:
Good news: we can have a room at the FHT for the
evenings, thanks to Prof. Hauber. The faculty is
close by the conference center, see
It's right below the "ApacheCon" sign in the map

We'll need to decide when we'll meet.

Prof. Hauber works in the area oif Internet Technologies,
Web Programming, Web Content Management Systems, and
Open Source Software. One special interest is in Apache
(he'll try to join the conference).

Please pass on my personal thanks to Prof. Hauber. If I remember correctly Prof. Hauber and I met whilst I was working in in Trinidad and Tobago (if so I'll be remembered best as the "Englishman at UWI", a stuck out a little like that :-)). I hope we get the opportunity to meet again.

(UWI = University of the West Indies)

Prof. Hauber, and his university, have a valuable set of experiences with respect to the use of Open Source and its utilisation within the educational arena. We should seek to benefit from these experiences. Apache Forrest is a valuable asset in the educational arena (that is why I started using Forrest and why I started the related project).

Regarding his personal interests I remember them as being in cryptography and security, maybe he has changed direction a little, or maybe there are two Prof. Haubers, we'll soon know.

Oh yeah, and a big thank you to Johannes for coordinating this.


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