Ross Gardler wrote:
> Sorry I've not provided feedback sooner. I've been away. However, here 
> it is now...

No worries. We were only recently ready to show the solution anyway,
so perfect timing.

> The navigation link to is still gives a 
> 404. Will this be fixed when the site is deployed?

A placeholder. But the proposed solution has changed now, see below.

We need to wait until immediately after the release, to change the
version numbers in trunk to be 0.8-dev and reflect that in the docs.
Then we can publish the 0.7 docs as current, and also add the 0.8-dev docs.

The 404 was deliberate, nothing to put there yet. It is a remnant
of my most recent attempt at trying to develop a cohesive website,
and trying to anticipate how it would function post-release. Bleah.

I am much more comfortable with the new solution.

> I note that the 
> sub-tab for 0.8 docs goes to a sensible page, so suspect the above is 
> just a hard coded URL issue since it points at rather 
> than


> shows the versions of docs 
> available. It currently only lists 0.6 and 0.7, should we add 0.8-dev?

That is all addressed in the branch. All three versions are there
but using a different technique.

> If I go to the 0.8 docs (which took me an *age* to find, it is not at 
> all intuitive to go to the 0.7 tab in order to get to the 0.8 docs) 
> there is no indication that I am in 0.8. There is no 0.8 tab (no tab is 
> selected either) and the MOTD says I am in 0.7.

Leaving the MOTD issues aside (see below).

In our first demo we had a specific "Other Versions" tab which
did make that more obvious.c 

[ snipped the remaining points from Ross - will separate ]


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