Ross Gardler wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >We are getting close now. Following the svn commits and the
> >etc/RELEASE_PROCESS.txt you see what i have been doing today.
> >
> >We are up to the stage of waiting for the mirrors to update.
> >
> >Would someone else please send the announcement. However,
> >you need to wait until the website is updated and the
> >distribution mirrors are ready.
> > See etc/announce.txt for a template to get you started.
> It will not be me, I'm about to leave the office for the day. Can 
> someone else in Europe please step up to do this.

Glad that no-one did, because our download page is broken.
At least for me. It stops with an empty Options list.

> >The mirrors part is easy, just watch
> >and decide when is a fair tradeoff. The main mirror
> >received it at UTC 02:00 (so 6.5 hours ago).
> >
> >The website part was tricky, but should now automatically happen.
> >It is rsynced from every two hours. After the
> >last run i did ssh and removed everything,
> >then did a new 'svn co' of forrest/site repository. So on the
> >next run we should have our shiny new website. That should be
> >around one hour away.
> Removed *everything*. Does that mean the plugin docs as well? These are 
> deployed separately.

I thought that they got 'svn commit' to the forrest/site repository
which got replicated on the server. Not all plugin docs were deployed
to their new location before i started and it looks like the same set now.

> I'll ensure these are OK during the afternoon (I'm at a clients but 
> typing "ant deploy" now and again shuldn't be a problem for me.
> >There are a few other things to finish off in RELEASE_PROCESS.txt
> >Can someone else do those, e.g. Jira needs tweaks.
> Again, I can't do this today. Can someone else find half an hour to 
> finish off?

It seems not.

> >I am away out to dinner and cards tonight. Celebratration time.
> You deserve a good run at the cards table for all your hard work. Good luck.

We did, thanks.


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