Gav.... wrote:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Juan Jose Pablos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

| you need to give time to people to work on issues....
| we do not have dedicated people. We have voluters :-)

I realise this and nearly never posted because of it. This place
has such a friendly atmosphere and it is a case of if you want to
do something and can do it, then go ahead. Apart from the PMC
as such there are no 'roles' to play, no 'jobs' allocated and people
do what they feel they can (or will soon be able to) do.

See my other post. We have individual reasons for being here, very few of us do this for fun alone (although it *is* fun). The problem is if you take away the fun by insisting that someone does a job they don't have the itch for then you will push your volunteers away.

In this case I really don't see a problem. Cheche has stepped forward to handle this integration effort. We have someone with the role you wish to assign, the only difference is that they volunteered.

Upgrading Cocoon is a major issue. It is bound to cause problems that need to be ironed out. Cheche stepped forward (by volunteering) to do this before the 0.7 release, however there were too many issues. Since then he has been working with the Cocoon folk to solve those problems.

Note this last sentence - he *has* been working with the Cocoon folk.

Many of us, as I mentioned elsewhere in the thread, are subscribed to the Cocoon list. We do know what is going on over there, we do know where they are heading and we do work closely with them.

You must understand that what is happening here is the HEAD of cocoon is being merged with the HEAD of Forrest. This is a major thing. We have two untested systems being integrated, this is *expected* to cause problems. No amount of eyes on mailing lists and code basis will prevent there being problems in integration testing. It would be wonderful if everything worked the first time, but this is the real world and we have to test things before they work.

> I wonder though if some volunteers would benefit more from a
> little bit of structure and given a role to do (time permitting).

Jobs cannot be assigned, they are self appointed. If you look at the discussions people get involved with and the things that they do you will see we already have our self assigned roles. Sometimes we even give informal titles to indicate those roles (not always complimentary, right Thorsten :-)). In this case the role of Cocoon integration has been taken by Cheche, and I applaud him for tackling a large and complex job.


Having said that, what we *do* need to do is use the issue tracker more effectively to keep track of the little jobs that need doing and therefore facilitate people identifying itches they want to scratch.


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