HANAX wrote:
No problem. I will create the contract to put some meta informatio into head and commit it to the voice plugin. This will, hopefully serve as an example for you. We can then guide you on porting your XSLT to that contract.

I've just created a skeleton contract for you [1]. All it does is place a new meta element in head, look at the source of any page in the voice plugin documentation and you'll see what I mean.

Ok, I've got problem with SVN, I don't have latest versions... :( Now it's ok and I see changes. But... I don't understand how forrest knows that it should use voice.fv :) In my site, I don't have this file and so that it does not contains added META element neither changed title. Should I have also voice.fv in site dir? I'm confused - it seems that my plugin and voice plugin are somehow unlinked... I can't explain good what I mean, sorry, but it's probably I still don't understand well the "engine of plugins"... :)

You need to work with the latest version from SVN otherwise you will not see the changes I am making.

To see how it knows to use the voice.fv file look at the commit I have linked to a number of times in this thread. You will see that the file is added and a reference to it is made in forrest.properties.

The template can operate on any part of the document just as it could before. To see how take a look at the "content-main" template that puts the body of a page into place [2]

Great, finally I understand basics now :) Seems that now I need to split my 
work to 2 contracts:
1. to generate VoiceXML into header
2. to generate body section of mxml file

:-)) correct (almost) - you are getting the hang of it.

It's actually a little simpler, one cantract can add content to both header and body. But we'll come to the body stuff later. Lets just focus on the head stuff for now.

Now it raises one question for me, how this differs from creating two 
stylesheets (one fore header and secodn for body) and place them one after 
another? Maybe I miss some esential thing about views :)

Views allow contracts to be mised and matched as you need them. Whereas the old skinning system only allows you to use a fixed set of stylesheets. Contracts in views provide "nuggets" of information that can be included in any page. In short views are much more configurable than the old skinnning system.

Remember that, at present, your voice pipelines do not show any visual content? Well we could modify your stylesheets so that they can be used alongside our existing skinning system. However, since skins are probably going to be deprecated in 0.8 this would be a waste of effort.

Besides, it's just easier in views ;-)

Does this concrete example, and your earlier reading, help with understanding what is going on?

Yes, big thanx!

Cool - thanks for your persistence.


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