> HANAX wrote:
> >>>No problem. I will create the contract to put some meta informatio into
> >>>head and commit it to the voice plugin. This will, hopefully serve as an
> >>>example for you. We can then guide you on porting your XSLT to that
> >>>contract.
> >>
> >>
> >>I've just created a skeleton contract for you [1]. All it does is place
> >>a new meta element in head, look at the source of any page in the voice
> >>plugin documentation and you'll see what I mean.
> >>
> >
> >
> > Ok, I've got problem with SVN, I don't have latest versions... :( Now it's 
> > ok and I see changes. But... I don't understand how forrest knows that it 
> > should use voice.fv :)
> In my site, I don't have this file and so that it does not contains added 
> META element neither changed title. Should I have also voice.fv in site dir? 
> I'm confused - it seems
> that my plugin and voice plugin are somehow unlinked... I can't explain good 
> what I mean, sorry, but it's probably I still don't understand well the 
> "engine of plugins"... :)
> You need to work with the latest version from SVN otherwise you will not
> see the changes I am making.
> To see how it knows to use the voice.fv file look at the commit I have
> linked to a number of times in this thread. You will see that the file
> is added and a reference to it is made in forrest.properties.
> >>The template can operate on any part of the document just as it could
> >>before. To see how take a look at the "content-main" template that puts
> >>the body of a page into place [2]
> >>
> >
> >
> > Great, finally I understand basics now :) Seems that now I need to split my 
> > work to 2 contracts:
> > 1. to generate VoiceXML into header
> > 2. to generate body section of mxml file
> :-)) correct (almost) - you are getting the hang of it.
> It's actually a little simpler, one cantract can add content to both 
> header and body. But we'll come to the body stuff later. Lets just focus
> on the head stuff for now.

But I thought that might be better for me to add some vidual feedback while 
reading body.
If I understood, views works only for XHTML output. So if I request .mxml file 
views aren't used? But maybe I'm wrong... When I request .mxml site, I got same 
results as I had without views. So how to tell forrest that I want to use some 
view if I request .mxml file? I mean now it renders whole content via xsl but I 
want to make contract which will render header and body with "header 
stylesheet" and "body stylesheeet". I have vague idea how to make that with 
contract, what I'm asking for now is way to connect .mxml and views.

> > Now it raises one question for me, how this differs from creating two 
> > stylesheets (one fore header and secodn for body) and place them one after 
> > another? Maybe I miss some esential thing about views :)
> Views allow contracts to be mised and matched as you need them. Whereas
> the old skinning system only allows you to use a fixed set of
> stylesheets. Contracts in views provide "nuggets" of information that
> can be included in any page. In short views are much more configurable
> than the old skinnning system.
> Remember that, at present, your voice pipelines do not show any visual
> content? Well we could modify your stylesheets so that they can be used
> alongside our existing skinning system. However, since skins are
> probably going to be deprecated in 0.8 this would be a waste of effort.
> Besides, it's just easier in views ;-)

Ok, someday maybe I'll make sometihung more difficult and will see that :)

> >>Does this concrete example, and your earlier reading, help with
> >>understanding what is going on?
> >>
> >
> >
> > Yes, big thanx!
> Cool - thanks for your persistence.
> Ross

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