Ferdinand Soethe wrote:
> Well I basically discovered that <checksums-uri> in cli.xconf is
> functional and works though I haven't figured out why it didn't work
> when I tested earlier this year and I haven't had the time to
> thoroughly test its function for all kinds of situation.
> However I can already state that this is not going to reduce our build
> time because of the way checksums works:
> - Create or update a checksum for each document each time it is build
> - Next time compare that checksum to the checksum for the newly build
>   document before it gets  written and if they are the same, don't
>   write it again.
> So checksums are great if you want to use simple sync mechanisms to
> upload your static site (because unchanged files are not written again
> and don't have their date stamp changed) but it is no good as far as
> build times are concerned because all the building steps have to
> happen time and time again.

Gavin later did some other tests:
 Re: speeding up the static build

> So what we are really looking for is a way to make Cocoon save their
> caching of each pipeline from (client-)session to session. That way
> Cocoon will use all it's fancy mechanisms to determine the exact point
> in the pipeline where it needs to start rebuilding so that we don't
> have to worry about questions like 'has a menu changed' etc.

Yes this we definitely need to investigate. Perhaps it
is a matter of configuring our Cocoon cache so that it
makes more objects persistent to disk. Each project site
would need to tweak their settings depending on the
complexity of their site.

Some observations ...

The files in build/tmp/cocoon-work/cache-dir/ are being
written to by 'forrest site'.

Doing 'forrest' twice in a row, then the second time is
consistently faster (20% for site-author).
