On Jan 31, 2008 1:19 PM, Thorsten Scherler
> Hi all,
> I am ATM testing the dispatcher with jmeter and concurrent user.
> The problem that I encounter is that the locationmap is throwing an
> error as soon as there are concurrent user. :(
> I have no clue ATM why that is happening but try
> <map:match pattern="test">
>  <map:generate src="lm://transform.html.document"/>
> <map:serialize  />
> </map:match>
> with e.g. 10 user at the same time (Ramp-up time 0) and after you
> freshly started forrest with skins or dispatcher. You will see 80%
> failure with "Could not resolve locationmap".
> I am quite doomed ATM since I had to finish my project yesterday and
> after the last jmeter tests I cannot hand in the code.
> Please if you have any idea what the problem can be let us now.

What are the errors? Stacktrace, etc?